Into America via the Computer
And into Pennsylvania
Thank you very much and that should be an honour.
"Today, private banks have the power to create money out of thin air. When that happens, you can say that we borrow from the future to consume today. The borrower must then work so that the loan plus interest can be repaid. The banks are for-profit companies that are optimistic about all the value we will produce in the future and therefore create a lot of money. They expand the money supply 8% annually! The entire economy is doped with money, so consumption and growth are fueled faster than what is sustainable.
Witch Witch?
We shall go by plain to England and follow Ebba B-T or in the Academic world, T, BE at al.
Or simply called TBE. We shall meet the Super-Monsters, like the Hulk, in reality and the Superhero like the Spider man or woman. We shall meet a whole lot of Caracteres, and you sure gonna like this!
Witch Witch??
Oh shit
I cannot sleep because my conscious, how do you spell it, is not clear, you should never kick a person but the ball, who knows which kind of demons the other people fight, so then i leave that story part and will let it be, to kick some person, because then my hart is closed, and you cannot peak with a closed heart, because then my heart is frozen. And from a frozen heart, you can kill somebody. And I really don't like killing. So the story with heroes and anti-heroes and other figures continues, but I have to let be, to be mean. Cause that is not my business.
Dont ever be mean
cause it will kill.
And then we
take our foot-ball and leave America for England, but not on a plain, cause I stand the ground or grounded since 2017. Because of my consious, because I have one. And the political party called are really green-washed or emphaty-washed and is no longer worthy it's name. You cannot shoot at your own citizen, and cannot let the hate or the despy turn on to your own people, and be made into bullets to shoot at your own people. That we know from the Second World War II.
And then leave the ball or foot-ball too? We go to London, and the year is 1992??
We will come back to that.
Witch Witch???
Oh that is one most creative duos Norway ever had.
Was SVT there
to broadcast the huge norwegain Opera made in Norway at Picadelly circus, in London in 1992, oh we soon take a deeper look into that. And with no mercy, oh we will come to that. Soon!
Or sooner or later.
What is SVT, oh they are those having monopol or had the monopol to serve Sweden as a public channel, free from, what is that called, reclaim? No. PR? Well, it is financed via the Swedish poulation via taxes. And do they have more finacies, well that we will come back to.
Oh I forgot that I have been inside London, I really were there, the day when Margaret Thatcher, correctly spelled? was buried, and the Great Brittan and London, were in sorrow. Or greef.
London bridge
is falling down?
And its not
just Ebba to blame, people surround here, with a continuing message. Maybe a variation of messages should have helped her, and maybe not, you never know. But if Ebba is like Pluto, she has like two voices, and they are just inside her and her own, dealing with what she will believe in and what her messages will sound, and the two will give different information, and who to trust?
And then we let Ebba go.
And then we leave
Great Brittain, and Boris-boris, and who will become next Prime Minister?
And we will go back to America and with Titanic? A really should hav paid some money to have the main female role in the Titanic movie because of the sweety Leonardo DiCaprio. But the problem is that the ship went down.
And thats why I will take another boat. And with green ammoniac, right spelled?
Oh I really don't know yet.
The poor sweet
DiCaprio seems to have taken the life serious, as we could see in the movie: Don't look up!
Klimatriksdagen 2022 PB
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