Into America via the Computer

And into Pennsylvania

Thank you very much and that should be an honour.

I have thaugt and thaugt about this emergancy situation we have come into, and I have seen no way out of it.
I am a communcator for End Ecocide Sweden/Stop Ecocide International, trying to get a Internaional Law to stop all the Ecocides.
I have a cand mag, in biology, with a speicalisation in Marine Microbiology. I have continued to educate myself in the topic, and the last course i followed at the University level was about Conservation Biology.
i followed every Zoom meeting i probably could attend to the last three year of Corona and Covid 19. I was born with my engagement. It has always been there.
I have a long exerpiences from the topic, since I educated me to work with or for the Environment. It is because of my fathers engagement, my own early engagement and because books like: Silent Spring, was published, and because Norway lost their fishes in southern Norway due to the acid rain about 1970 and later. And I was born in 1962. The start of the Oil adventure in Norway and a beginning of a whole lot of severe problems.
I tried to take the Master in Biology about 1988-1991 but did never came thorugh and i got my oldest daugheter in 1991.
But I did follow the environmental problems on a daily basis.
I think the world lost the focus because ot the large excess of money that came into the societies, because of the fossile energy and all the money that had no back-ups, and according to Positive Money, or in Sweden: Positva pengar. Money was created from bank credits, and we have lost the control, because they can create more and more money without problems, but the natural resourses and the life on earth will disappear, we are now according to Stokcholm Resilence center, and Johan Rockström, in the red zone for at least 3 of the 9 planetary borders, and due to WWF is 96 % or more of the living  biomass humans and their animals, amd the wildlife is 4 % or less of the biomass, and we are now heading into a real catastrophy and probalbly the last chapter of the human history on the planet earth.
That is a real catastrophy and I should not let that happen, without a fight.
I have two daughers that I really love, and I have really loved the life on Earth, I got childhood traumas, and a re-traumatisation 5 years ago, and I think if you really have to fight for the life as I had to do, you can really see the worth of it.
I have grown up in a Democraty, and therefore i have understand the privilegium of growing up in Democraties.
When i got a chance I started up to try to do impact on Faecbook. We moved to Sweden in 2000, that's when my youngest daugheter was born, we moved because their father got a job at the Natur-Historiska Riks-museet in Stockholm and the family moved to Södertälje in Sweden.
i started 2010 via FAcebook to do impact for the Climate, Sweden has been in a lead in and Pär Holmgren, as a metheorolog at SVT, the Public channel in Sweden, was a real inspire untill he had to leave from SVT about 2008. 
When I atarted in 2010 it was a Faecbook and Internet full of trolls. Like in the Norwegian tradition of storytelling, trolls are really mean, and because of the terrible attitudes from them, they could keep the Climate Catastrophy away as the main focus, and the Television and Politicans did not engage very much in the coming Catastrophy, so then they lost their credibility and the world sailed like Titanic towards a collapse. I started to get paniced as Greta Thunberg called it, I wrote and wrote and nobody really listened deep enough.
I started my own Faecbook-group 2016:
Biodiverstiy variety and loss, 
Beacuse I then new that the Biodiversiity was in real danger. 
 After the idea of the Donought Economy.
 A rescue-plan came into my mind. 
1. The rescue plan is to use Samuel K F’s very intelligent version of the Positive Money Economy, and will ask him for a resume, where the social economy as the substans in the Donought. It can easily be introduced in our exisitng economical systems, and replace the "valuta" with E-kronor, and the economic system of today, where 98% of the money just exsist in the computer Systems.
You don’t have to let all the countries agree before changing the global system, it can be done by every nation itself, and also regional or global. 
2. The outer border are the 9 planetery borders. In Sweden Johan Rockstöm has made an excellent work at the Stockholm Resilience Center with defining them and where we are today, and where we shuld be.
3. The inner cirkel is defined of the Democratic values like the Human Rights, Social Justice and the human needs. And the Well-being have to be measured with other values than Wealth.
In the best case we will get a co-operation with the governments, the Universities and the financial world, those today understanding the huge Emergancy situation we are inside. 
Samuels comment:

"Today, private banks have the power to create money out of thin air. When that happens, you can say that we borrow from the future to consume today. The borrower must then work so that the loan plus interest can be repaid. The banks are for-profit companies that are optimistic about all the value we will produce in the future and therefore create a lot of money. They expand the money supply 8% annually! The entire economy is doped with money, so consumption and growth are fueled faster than what is sustainable.

As banks create and lend money, debt grows. When debt grows faster than income, the situation becomes unsustainable. In order to catch up with the ever-growing mountain of debt, it is important for politicians to accelerate growth so that our incomes increase. With a growth rate of 3%, our income doubles within 25 years, which makes it much easier to pay the interest on our loans and we have room to borrow even more to keep the wheels of the economy turning.
To solve these problems, a monetary reform is required where the Riksbank issues all money and the banks are only allowed to lend money they first borrowed. This could lead to:
Greener investments of newly created money. Instead of the banks creating money for projects with a negative environmental impact, the Riksbank was able to issue all new money that needs to be created for sustainable investments.
Greener investments of existing money. Today, banks can lend our deposits as they wish without transparency or control. Positive Money's reform proposal means that we savers must actively approve that our money is lent by investing it in funds that lend to various purposes, for example to build solar cells. Citizens and the state can then control so that the money does not go to climate-destroying activities.
Zero growth or nerve growth. When no one has to take on debt and pay interest in order for money to exist, the debts become lower. This reduces politicians' incentives to push for growth. In addition, it will be possible to shrink the economy without the risk of the entire economy collapsing under a huge mountain of debt."
I did get into a cooperation with Pardon Maguta to start community driven projects for Sun-power energy, and he is on his way to start a Trust. And we have start a minor project. And will try to continue as Renewable Africa. I do support We Don have time.The more business part of the Climate movement. I do support all groups working to save the Planet Earth.
Sorry for my English it used to be a mess. And no spelling system exist any more.
And thank you for your attention.
and as a reply to:
 20 juni 2022 kl. 12:05 skrev Penn's Master of Environmental Studies <>
Best yours,

Witch Witch?

We shall go by plain to England and follow Ebba B-T or in the Academic world, T, BE at al.

Or simply called TBE. We shall meet the Super-Monsters, like the Hulk, in reality and the Superhero like the Spider man or woman. We shall meet a whole lot of Caracteres, and you sure gonna like this!

Witch Witch??

Oh shit

I cannot sleep because my conscious, how do you spell it, is not clear, you should never kick a person but the ball, who knows which kind of demons the other people fight, so then i leave that story part and will let it be, to kick some person, because then my hart is closed, and you cannot peak with a closed heart, because then my heart is frozen. And from a frozen heart, you can kill somebody. And I really don't like killing. So the story with heroes and anti-heroes and other figures continues, but I have to let be, to be mean. Cause that is not my business. 

Dont ever be mean

cause it will kill.

And then we

take our foot-ball and leave America for England, but not on a plain, cause I stand the ground or grounded since 2017. Because of my consious, because I have one. And the political party called are really green-washed or emphaty-washed and is no longer worthy it's name. You cannot shoot at your own citizen, and cannot let the hate or the despy turn on to your own people, and be made into bullets to shoot at your own people. That we know from the Second World War II.

And then leave the ball or foot-ball too? We go to London, and the year is 1992?? 

We will come back to that.

Witch Witch???

Oh that is one most creative duos Norway ever had.

Was SVT there

to broadcast the huge norwegain Opera made in Norway at Picadelly circus, in London in 1992, oh we soon take a deeper look into that. And with no mercy, oh we will come to that. Soon!

Or sooner or later. 

What is SVT, oh they are those having monopol or had the monopol to serve Sweden as a public channel, free from, what is that called, reclaim? No. PR? Well, it is financed via the Swedish poulation via taxes. And do they have more finacies, well that we will come back to.

Oh I forgot that I have been inside London, I really were there, the day when Margaret Thatcher, correctly spelled? was buried, and the Great Brittan and London, were in sorrow. Or greef.

London bridge

is falling down?

And its not

just Ebba to blame, people surround here, with a continuing message. Maybe a variation of messages should have helped her, and maybe not, you never know. But if Ebba is like Pluto, she has like two voices, and they are just inside her and her own, dealing with what she will believe in and what her messages will sound, and the two will give different information, and who to trust?

And then we let Ebba go. 

If you just listen to him with a big fork,
you will reproduce it loadly

And then we leave

Great Brittain, and Boris-boris, and who will become next Prime Minister?

And we will go back to America and with Titanic? A really should hav paid some money to have the main female role in the Titanic movie because of the sweety Leonardo DiCaprio. But the problem is that the ship went down.

And thats why I will take another boat. And with green ammoniac, right spelled?

Oh I really don't know yet. 

The poor sweet

DiCaprio seems to have taken the life serious, as we could see in the movie: Don't look up!

Klimatriksdagen 2022 PB

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