And not in the USSR
They spoiled
my side by going into my domain, and that is not okey for me anymore. You understand!
So back off then!!
I was just on my way into New Brunswick in the State of Pennsylvania? Oh in fact I am not sure, but it was some miles outside from New York City and the plan was to visit Washington city, but we never came there, because the Taxi Driver misunderstood or did not misunderstand the descripiton that was given, so instead we ended up at Hyatt hotel in Yonkers? In fact the Hotel was sourronded by a Shopping Center and i Parking Place. And the year was: 2015? I am sorry but i don't remember anymore. And: Taxi Driver is a movie with Jodie Foster in the main caracter. An old movie film.
And Jodie Foster was one of my favorites, when i grew up.
From the film: Taxi Driver?
I really have met
these bad guys before, hacking into even inot a childs world, and if I ever see that bad stuff again i will pull them back were they belong. Never ever go into others domain, it is just the bad seeds doing like that, and childhood traumas, caused by those, was the theme they just again spoiled for me.
And now we will see how bad the stuff they are hanging aorund here. You see it is possible to see, who they are. We will just wait. Like a spider. Just waiting for them.
The Spider though is not an insect, it is a spider with eight legs, an Insect has six.
The Tricoptera meeting or at the Night Fly meeting, that my family attended to, gave me five days or maybe a week in the USA, a country i never thaught i ever should have met.
The Tricopera is an indicator of clean freshwater pourling sterams, that are not seasonally drying out, and they tell much about the quality of the environment they live in. When you regulate the flood or stream, Biodiversity losses will be the result.
The New Brunswick was and elderly University town, and Rudgers? was its name. Was it not?
I really don't remember any more.
Hagaparken in Stockholm
And I will take you on
a bay-way or by-way, perhaps. When you dont project blame or shame, and anger or any feeling on some-body else but just owe them, it is not some other persons fault, it is just my feelings. It is common to blame somebody for example for betrayel, though it was my feelings it touched, and then I owe my own feelings.
And if I should owe what i have felt under those last 5 -10 years, what did i really feel?
And then we take a journey in my feelings ABC:
A for Anxiety: I have sure be afraid, a loss or losses causes anxiety, and the close losses mixed with Biodiversity loss, a feeling of not being understood, and a feeling of despair. Because I shuold have feel much stronger together.
B for Betrayed? Yes it is the feeling when you feel a door lockes you out from the room, and i stand alone, or felt that i stood alone.
C for Careless? No and we leave the ABC, because projection of feelings is often used to blame somebody else for the own feelings or suffer.
I have felt Anger, Frustration and frustration is a dangerous feeling, cause it will never come out, and never will be shared. Every feeling is for to be shared. Or you will feel alone. The feelings tells what you feel, but can seldom be used as logical arguments, cause they are not.
i have felt greef and pain, also because of the environmental destruction. People does not use to express their feelings wtihout blaming, because of the dangerous feeling of being weak.
When people feel bad feelings, they use to attack!
It is real hard to feel, and that is the cost of having feelings. But feeliings are resourses too.
And there the journey stands still. May be?
Because I am not sure if it will be a jourmey.
if we have reached the Tipping Point, we might have no time left.
it should really be a waist of my time.
And it really scares me and makes me: Afraid!
And I have felt it for a while, and if i should blame somebody, it is because somebody seems to not care about the loss of the future at all, and now I feel sourounded by those people, and I feel i cannot see anybody else. It makes me feel so exhausted.
And I have decided to teach myself to wait, beucase that usually makes me feel very bad.
Sex Pistols No Feelings?
They don't exist
the Eveil is mainly banal.
I think I reached my bottom line this spring, when I saw the people from Resarchers Desk crying over the situation, amd I undestood the message from J. Rockstöm, and I heard that the man at Tyresta National-park really was crying over the destoyed Forests. And i have looked down over the border of Tipping point this summer, and I have seen down into the Common Hell, when there is nothing more to say or do. Because of the earlier bad relatlion-ship I have been in, I have tried do stand alone in it. And after that moment, I have continue to give all that I have, but it is soon nothing more to figth for.
I have taken it really hard, cause all that I had was my daughters on the front page, they were all that I had and did fight for.
The evil is banal, because few people really don't care or don't bother at all, but the huge masses people has follwed their voices. They then dont have to think, and just blindely follow the voice or order from those who really do not care.
The wealth has premied them-self with more wealth, and then 98 % is jsut a construction and fake, and then when they take part of some non-existing substitute to transform the life on erath from a rich oasis, and into a dead zone, because after the Tipping Point zone limit is passed, it is just to wait for all the backlashes from some-thing no human can do any changes to.
We have already changed to systems into a non repairbable niveau, where Vanatu a nation and an iland, now is drowned by help from human power.
This summer I did even undertand that it is meaningless, to take direct fights, because I have met that before in my life, being eye to eye with somoone who did not bother or care at all.
This summer I took the train back from my own party, and it took 18 hours becasue of my bad planning skills.
I got again unlocked from my home, because the port code does not function in tne nights, and I really felt som old and cold anxiety for being homeless, and because I so intensely have followed the tipping point on a daily base on my computer, and I have given all that i had to warn about the situation, but dalily seen or faced the people, who dont bother or really don't care, I could not stand the pressure any more, and those who dont bother or dont care won the match, I cannot sit anymore and see their triumph, when we are passing the border line, and I cannot stand to see the human fall. From civiilized and rather well functioning societies and down to nothing.
There will be no plains, no tecnic and no beauty at the other side of the border. And there will be noone demanding to drive their cars, cause after the border, there will be noone left.
I have reached my bottom this summer and i think I will never pay anymore for working as I did, because all the money i give will serve those who wants to destroy, and I have nothing more left to give.
I just dont have anything more left to give.
At the border-line
And I took the back
door to get away, and we did not get back into America, i took the Green-Peace boat and may they one day will invite me to Zanzibar, the Paradice also invaded by greed, and i travelled with the book of: A Gurnah to Afrifca, and read about the European greed in Africa, and it so shamefull, and I don't really know what to do. I have looked at my phone and it is the same news as in every newspaper, it is about what B Ulveaus said. It is totally brainless. And who cares. He has nothing but stupidities to say. He is nothing to inform the world about. It is very shamefull. They have replaced the words with pure nonsens. They have no respect for the words left. And of course we reach the Tipping point then, because there were no one there to inform in time. We dont need the journalims any more. CAuse they do not inform any more.
The Journalims is dead, it is just som empty ecoes left, and I really feel ashamed.
They makes fools of themselves.
Zanzibar was once called a Paradice, but with the stupidios inside, it wil be like rest of the world, condemned and stinking and sinking like the rest of the humanity.
I do feel really ashamed.
I have to, when they feel no shame at all.
And I dont know if i will ever enter into USA anymore.
Welcome on board
And there our journey
at the Planet Earth Stopped, because of the Stuipidios.
I will give one from the Rethoric's world, my thanks, and he is a Norwegian named Jens E Kjeldsen, and his Book: Rethorics of today, my translation, where he wrote that the only Facts there are, are the Statistics and the Nature Sciences. Cause everything else are just product of the human dysfunctional brains. And also their stupid robots, that are programmed in the same way.
And there have not yet been any statistc ower the betryael the Journalists did, when they made themselves bigger than the News, the Words, and then the whole World itself.
They must just have looked just only into their own selfies, they followed the orders, they may gave the orders, and they used the word: We or Us to manipulate.
Of cours not all of them, there are also the good examples and some smarter individuels between them.
And that is not a judgement yet, because we have then to go through their Newspapers and see what kind of Infomation they gave thier Headings to.
It is then from my Perspective or from my Point of View.
They saw nobody else
Who they betray?
Well they betrayed my children, and all the children. And themselves in the end.
As a human being you always have to choose, who you give your voice to, the thiefs or the bestolened. And you will get much more money when you give your voice to the thief, and pretty many of them will do very much for the money, it did not matter if they were fake money or not.
But what shall you use your money for?
If you have sold your soul, or consiousness, sorry for my spelling, for the fake money, and got no selfrespect left?
With no selfrespect, there is only nothing left.
They gave all their Sympathy
And when you really
blame them, they will take the Victim Role, they are always the Victims and they will never be sorry or say: I regret, they will point at somebody else, and they should sell their own children and blame them instead, and let them be hanged. And why: Because they got no feelings for anybody else, exept for themselves.
So then they are to be blamed for this betrayel.